Zerobodys CoolMax Series ShapeWear Vest

£19.99 £12.99
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Zerobodys CoolMax Series ShapeWear Slimming Vest 

Improves Posture, Reduce Back Pain and Shape your Abdomen

Coolmax Men's Seamless Vest

The ZEROBODYS Comfortable Mens Body Shaper COOLMAX Active Abdomen Plus Vest, 

from the ZEROBODYS is an innovative base layer that actually slims 

and streamlines your look while offering support for your body. Made to fit tight to give 

optimum performance, this ZEROBODYS Comfortable Mens Body Shaper COOLMAX Active Abdo Plus 

Vest was designed in conjunction with physiotherapists and ergonomic specialists to improve 

posture, reduce back pain and provide core support. Wear the ZEROBODYSTM Comfortable Mens Body 

Shaper COOLMAX Active Abdo Plus Vest under a work shirt or sweater whenever you want to be sure

to look your best.

